Gag strip: Shoe Shopping.

Steely Gaze on June 15, 2008

This was the first AROTD gag strip, independent of any storyline, that I had ever done. I came up with it either early this year or late last year while standing around in a department store and waiting. I do a lot of waiting in department stores if they don't have things I want. And I happened to be standing in front of a shoe rack and thought how dull this was, so to amuse myself I put each of my characters in the same situation as me, and found that only Andrew really had any fun.

And so, here you have it! You now know how to make your very own AROTD comic strip! :P

Next up, I know you were all expecting the start of our next storyline, titled If You Build It, but I've got one more, spur-of-the-moment gag strips I want to use.

Be warned, it may offend those of you with strong moral views. (But you're reading my comic, so I doubt it.)