Filler: Gadzooks.

Steely Gaze on July 27, 2008

Yeah, I'm sorry about this, but this week's comic isn't done. I was gone most of Friday and over the weekend and just had no time to work on it. I didn't even have time to color this filler!

I do feel terrible about it, but CK graciously drew up this little filler so at least something would go up. It's not too shabby, is it? I had a good laugh at their expense. :)

Oh, and in case you were wondering, that's my artist, CK, as her little chameleon self, and me standing beside her.

Don't worry, next week we return to our regular story with all due haste. In fact, I might as well share with you the name of next week's strip….

“Power Tools”

Make of it what you will. ;)