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agenthappydeath on Nov. 27, 2009
Hi all,Sorry it has been so long since my last update. I've had the flu and my tonsils removed in the last month and a half. I'm just starting to feel human again. Thanks for stopping by!-Spencer
hari at 7:43AM, June 14, 2010
Futon at 11:47AM, Jan. 2, 2010
I'm digging your style, mang. Reminds me a lot of Mignola and Avon-Oeming.
altered at 4:58PM, Dec. 10, 2009
sounds like an intense month. no one likes getting parts of them removed. its icky. glad to see youre well enough to do a page. = )
MeHighLow at 10:26AM, Dec. 1, 2009
Hey, glad you are back and hope you are feeling ok! Rock on.
cbacolo at 5:32PM, Nov. 28, 2009
Awesome page. Feel better.
theBSDude at 2:31PM, Nov. 28, 2009
Cool comic.
SlideStudios at 1:34PM, Nov. 28, 2009
flu and tonsils? that blows. Glad you are back though. excited for more pages
hari at 7:43AM, June 14, 2010
Futon at 11:47AM, Jan. 2, 2010
I'm digging your style, mang. Reminds me a lot of Mignola and Avon-Oeming.
altered at 4:58PM, Dec. 10, 2009
sounds like an intense month. no one likes getting parts of them removed. its icky. glad to see youre well enough to do a page. = )
MeHighLow at 10:26AM, Dec. 1, 2009
Hey, glad you are back and hope you are feeling ok! Rock on.
cbacolo at 5:32PM, Nov. 28, 2009
Awesome page. Feel better.
theBSDude at 2:31PM, Nov. 28, 2009
Cool comic.
SlideStudios at 1:34PM, Nov. 28, 2009
flu and tonsils? that blows. Glad you are back though. excited for more pages