Reviews from Dimension 17 (one)

Gunwallace on Aug. 3, 2016

A bonus page this week. A review of a movie made not here, but in Dimension 17. I have been scripting a ‘alternative realities’ story for some time, trying to iron out the kinks and contradictions, but it's been on the back-burner lately. Movies play a central role in the plot, with several versions of the same tech geek setting up a movie exchange system so they can watch alternative versions of films across the realities. From the obvious ones … The Eric Fleming spaghetti westerns like ‘Fistful of Dollars’ and ‘The Good, The Bad and the Ugly’ (which were made with Clint Eastwood in our dimension, unusually) … to the obscure, like The Dean Martin / Bruce Lee comedy classic ‘Ain’t That A Kick in the Head'. So even if that story doesn't get finished, I thought I'd share with you some movie reviews from one of the alternate realities, Dimension 17, starting with ‘The Corporation That Fell To Earth’.