Day 790 - Birds Rule

Allan on April 3, 2011

There was some confusion about what was going on in this strip. Basically I just saw a crow and it was awesome. Not much more to it than that. But people were like “WHAT? A BIRD? IS THAT A CAR? I DON'T GET IT.”

Anyhow, I'm going to be using DD more for a new comic I'm working on called Blue Circus, so I figure I should update this mirror at least somewhat regularly, if only for the Duckers who would like me to!

So! If you've been waiting for me to return to Drunk Duck, here I am! If not, here I am, anyway, and I'll cya around (and probably comment on your comic).

Notes from earlier:

I was at school, and this happened.


Then I colored it.

I'm working on getting those guest comics up, but I want to redo my guest comic/links page (because they're unreliable).

So I'll get to work on that, and I think I'll also tune-up my characters page, because it's been a while since I've updated that bad boy!

Alright more later!