Hey Dumok. i cant help but wonder is the orc a son or blood relative of the captain from Destiny ?
he seems to be a good soul like Rivka and a gentleman like the Captain.
you look like you have a real winner with this comic i hope inspiration finds you soon.
Dumok please update this comic !
I am interested in seeing this rock star Orc star in his own adventure !
It reminds me of Destiny yet the Main guy Character is and Orc.
I great comic man thanks for making it. : ] : ]
John the guard at 5:37AM, July 27, 2016
Hey Dumok. i cant help but wonder is the orc a son or blood relative of the captain from Destiny ? he seems to be a good soul like Rivka and a gentleman like the Captain. you look like you have a real winner with this comic i hope inspiration finds you soon.
John the guard at 6:23AM, July 10, 2016
Dumok please update this comic ! I am interested in seeing this rock star Orc star in his own adventure ! It reminds me of Destiny yet the Main guy Character is and Orc. COOL!!!! I great comic man thanks for making it. : ] : ]
NvFury at 11:06PM, May 22, 2010
heh love this one dumok... Hope ya update soon.