#136: The First Game Origin- Smoldering Pile of ICE

Altimas on Nov. 14, 2008

Phew, feels like forever since I updated this thing… maybe cause it has been, in case you haven't noticed either, I moved those “The Return of Altimas” to InI, I figure they're more of a InI filler than Altimatium… and if you disagree, I know a fate worse than death… A BORING LECTURE! MWAHAHAHAHA*cough* damn throat, maybe I should cut back on my evil laughs?

…Oh, I've also decided to wait until page 250 before I make the flash, I just don't have enough time right now, but hopefully my voice actors will still be willing to. Right Zach? Croi? Altima–oh wait, that's me, never mind then– Hey wait, I never agreed to do the voice of Altimas! Dammit, you're me! of course you agreed! …Iunno, still kinda skeptical about that

Uh… I was gonna say something else… but what…

Ah yes, I'd like you all to give a big round of applause to DShadow, who has returned coincidently the same time as me, with a new account (his old one was hacked by some A***holes)

Apparenly I'm co-author for his comic again too so yea, check it out if you have time, but remember, he's still kinda new at comic making, but he's pretty skilled for a 12 year old, I have to admit that.

P.S. I now have a HATE for 8-bit Fire effects D:

P.P.S. Do not read this part–Oh, too late!


…yea, I got nothing, kbai

Edit: DAMMIT! Now I remember what I was gonna say! Do you guys like the special new font? :3 better than boring Comic Sans, right? right?! RIGHT?!?! RIGHT!