The End?
Walrus on March 19, 2009
The ratings for this comic continue to drop every day. It takes me nearly an hour just to make this fucking comic… I'm so tired of making a comic that no one ever reads, plus I don't even know if anyone actually likes this comic… So what's the point in making a comic that maybe three people read regularly but don't really care much for it. I'm just so tired and stressed out whenever I make a page. It consumes too much time out of the day for what, a couple of page views?!? Just take a look at WWE The Comic and Sinnoh Surfer, they're page view climb every day, even if they haven't updated in weeks. It's just time I moved on to something I actually enjoy making. So until I'm absolutely positive that I have established a fan base with this comic, it will be on a Hiatus.
duotent at 5:23PM, Aug. 16, 2010
do a mixed between all three seasons i dont know but no fair u closed it -shoots the wall next to him- MAKE MORE
DJLink at 4:16PM, March 23, 2009
I got ideas but am curently to busy(aka lazy) to work on them.
4Tails at 9:12PM, March 20, 2009
:3 can i help with the comic? i gots some pretty good ideas
smbz321 at 5:14PM, March 20, 2009
i feel ur pain