Bowling Pt. 11

antcomics on March 17, 2008

Oh boy, Terry Lee has an idea!!

I can hear the collective “uh-oh's” right now…

I wanted Adam and Marco to get into a little fight outside. It was a good way to keep them outside for awhile while TL carries out his plan to save Gary from Genevieve the Giant, who is whisking him away…to somewhere… heh.

This comic kicked my ass. I worked on it last night from 7:00 to 11:30. That first panel with the bowling alley took most of the time. I figured I hadn't shown what the Frontier Bowl looked like yet, so I decided it was time. It's based on a bowling alley near my house (that triangular entryway is totally ganked from that building). I always thought it looked neat. I think it was built in the 60s and they've never changed it from that retro groovy style.

In other newz, I am working on a comic remix that I will be submitting to (dun du-du-dunnnnnnn….Comic Remix!) later on this week. So look for that. Ain't gonna tell ya what comic it is though. :o)

(Those of you who do just shOOOOOsh!!)

I been getting a lot of neato fanart lately, so if you want, check it out here:

I got everyone drawin' Antz!!

Edited to add: I just checked my stats and Antcomics is #46 in Comic Strip! Wooooooooooooo!! :oD