Chapter 1-Page 1

Sakqia on June 2, 2007

This page has been half done for two weeks. But I despise drawing people on MS paint. So that's why. But here it is!! Finally done!!!

EDIT: I guess I don't despise drawing people on paint, just my characters, Fan art however, I am obsessed with. Seriously, If had one of my fan art phases, the people on my favorites list would get bombarded and probally a little annoyed with all the art. I'm not saying that they are mean people, they are really nice, but I don't know them all that well so yea. Anyway!! I did do some fan art for Paranormal Activity. An awsome awsome comic. so, go check it out! ^^

ANOTHER EDIT: I'm mindless today!! I forgot the Knock, Knock on the door. ARGH!! Bad Sakqia!! Bad girl!! The second knock looks horrible.

YET ANOTHER EDIT: So mindless!!! In my huge paragraph above, that was supposed to compliment the people on my favorites list. I made a very bad typo, I meant to say that the people on my faves list are NOT mean people….but I forgot the not……..SORRY!!!!!!!!!1