Ax Crazy #1: Page 6

JabberwockyJones on May 13, 2010

I really want to eventually start updating on Wendsday. Primarily because I notice a drop off in views from Monday to Friday. I probably could do this, but I didn't have a chance to try it this week what with everything going on. Anyways, here is todays page. I still have a feeling I'm doing something wrong with Rosco's hair. I shall fix that soon enough!

Anyways. I decided to do a favorite panel, least favorite panel thing because well, I'm bored.

Favorite Panel: Easily Panel 4. Easy to draw and turned out well. And Rosco's hair isn't totally over the top.

Least Favorit Panel: I dislike my art a lot. Probably a tie between Panel 2 and Panel 6. I need to work on perspective and emotions more on my characters. Ah well, practice makes perfect I guess.


In other news, my first story in the Malefic Universe has begun over at Malefic Tales. So far only the first two pages are posted, but I'm really pleased at the work Genejoke has put into it.

Here's a link in case you want to check it out. It's gonna be pretty frickin' sweet guys.
Malefic Tales