022 - Chavagra
Anch0vy on March 7, 2008
Ah nothing quite like abusing chavs ^_^
I'm thinking about adding something new to BOK…a new line of jokes I haven't touched on yet…but it's got a bit of a moral issue behind it, I'm debating which is more important:
A.) That all or nothing is taboo and I should ether make jokes about anything or nothing
B.) The high levels of abuse I'll receive and the wrong message I could be giving by using the jokes.
I don't want this debate and peoples opinions on Drunk Duck, I'm still checking the rules to see if I can even do the jokes I wanna do, so till I've made my decision I'll be using my blog on http://bloody-nose.co.uk as a place to rant out my opinion on it all :-)
More Comics Soon
Anch0vy at 4:42PM, March 8, 2008
lol ok for all the non-brits a Chav is a British version of white trash, but they tend to hang out any and everywhere, are highly violent, move in packs, and are highly racist and hate pretty much anyone. Some be leave Chav stands for Counsel Housing And Violence cause it sums them up. Government leeches and abusive bastards :-) also see chavscum.com
Rockster1039 at 4:40PM, March 8, 2008
i love understanding british humor. it's like there's some secret organization and i snuck in during one of the meetings and listened. :P
dragonrider at 8:33AM, March 8, 2008
Left my comment on your blog.