BGH#360 Answering The Tough Questions

theRedDeath on Nov. 2, 2020

This is the very first appearance of the Camaraderie of Heroes in its entirety. Recognize anyone?

Besides The Purple Flashlight and Koala you've got:

- Shrink Wrap: a genius scientist who developed a new and astonishingly long lasting combustion fuel! Problem is there was so little of it that could be made, that it couldn't be used for anything! So what did she do? She developed shrinking technology and shrunk herself down and put the fuel in a tiny jetpack!

- The Rash: Eddie East was electrocuted and given super-speed, unfortunately his running causes terrible chaffing! So Eddie reluctantly decided to fight crime as the radical red racer…the Rash!

- Alpha Female: The first volunteer for a cutting edge human-enhancement experiment, “Subject: Alpha” was given amazing speed, strength, stamina, and agility. Using her military training and expertise she is the leader of the Camaraderie of Heroes.

- The Black Blackness: Wanting to make a difference in the world, and to fight for minority rights, the Black Blackness fights against tyranny with only his own natural strengths and badassery.

- SensatiaGal: She possesses a kind of “cosmic sensory awareness” where, when focused, she can one at a time “feel”, “taste”, “touch”, “see”, or “hear” anything within a specific radius of her regardless of distance or barriers. Along with the powers of flight, strength, and energy projection that were given to her by mysterious aliens, she is a valuable asset to the Camaraderie of Heroes.