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Scott D on Oct. 18, 2019

In small towns and big cities alike, there are things that just happen like any of a hundred natural functions of the living, breathing being that such places often become. There's that guy who comes into the café everyday, always at the same time, and orders the same black coffee and bowl of cornflakes. Whether he's pleasant company or not, you can set your watch by him. There's the ice cream van that always stops by the secondary school gates at all times of the year (which is something I personally looked forward to). For Deputy Colleen Shepherd and the good dogs at the Barkham Sheriff's Station, there's Earl. You can also be certain that these places will develop their own lore, too, especially when it comes to local landmarks and history, like the ghosts of the battle fought in the fields, or the kids who disappeared while playing near the river and were never found, the sightings of strange cats or birds, or the sordid and assorted affairs of the people who live in that creepy old mansion at the end of the lane. Do you know any good myths, legends, and stories from your neck of the woods?
—Scott D.

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