(Interlude) Page 49

Scott D on Dec. 11, 2020

It's funny how our approach to the Internet has changed, isn't it? Back in the days when the web first became commercially available in our homes (which was I think around 1997 for my family), we were often strictly warned against putting out our real information, photos of ourselves, or believing in what we saw.

Today, with the ever-accelerating development of information communication and its presence in our lives, that attitude has been almost completely reversed. Potential employers love to check out our social media presence so they can understand us better, those who don't or can't go out have access to means through shopping sites, we've found new ways to express ourselves using online art and publication mediums, giving rise to a wave of independent content creators. I've known people who have made careers for themselves online that pertain to niche interests. Others have forged genuine, long-lasting friendships, even met eventual spouses, or reconnected with people they might otherwise never have seen again, and enjoyed accessibility to an understanding and sympathetic community when times seem dark.

With mixed results, people have also become more willing to believe what they see and hear online. Sometimes this allows for news media to be scrutinised more closely, and sometimes it has its downsides, generating misunderstandings, arguments over the smallest things, or inspiring actively harmful notions.

Not a criticism of our society by any means, just a general observation. Thing is, it was raised to me by a friend that some would actually blame Adrienne for her own troubles by virtue of the fact she put herself out there. We don't believe in victim-blaming, so with that in mind, what's a good experience you've had because of the global inter-connectivity of our modern world? Something that might not have happened without the online community?
—Scott D.

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