Base_page 01

bravo1102 on Nov. 5, 2020

Snubbed again in the DD Awards. Pretty sure there is a cabal working diligently to make certain nothing of mine ever wins another award. Not really.

Seriously though I was hoping not to get a nomination at all this year so my hopes would rise and then be squashed.

I'll sell my entire action figure collection for $10k and I'll even deliver it to your home. It'll fill up a small box truck.

A change of scenery to follow up on Sara and Lora. Crossover time.

And Jennessia? As noted on the page this happens before Battle of the Robofemoids Issue 3, page 5 where Jennessia Farmor is introduced. It's mentioned that she had a relationship with Sara Letalon(under her Aordian name Searsha Letalon) Jenny is also the main character in Tales of SIG

Aordians exercise in the nude like the people in the background. It will be explained next page why Sara, Lora and Jenny are not.