BBF page 14
denji on Sept. 30, 2006
what's this…? AN UPDATE?! WTF?! OAO///!!!
yes, i;m sorry for not updatign in so lpong ^^; bascily i ran out of pens >again< plus, this was a hard page to dra.w..i wanted to make it climatic and wasn't sure how to pull it off…I'm still not sure. Anywya, evne tohugh it has nos peech or whateve.r..I hope it's a good page; Thankyou for all the kind comments everyone!! I loves you all too much!!! ~////~!!
I'm goign to do a page for tommrow as well (hopefuly) to amke up for lost time…can you bleive it, this epsidoe os FINALLY almost over! XD;
shino at 12:33PM, Feb. 11, 2008
^w^ nicely done!!!
tenshi feathers at 11:42PM, Oct. 1, 2007
i need moar (more wtf whyd i spell it wrong o.o) but this will be awsome once it gets going well... just hope it turns out to be a shoujo-ai... (well at least thats what i read in the description thingy o.o)
Evil_Snuffkin at 4:58AM, April 22, 2007
I absolutely love your style!
Kristen Gudsnuk at 12:51PM, April 8, 2007
more!!! *needs more* what about the bunnies?? heh anyway, cool comic... looks like you've abandoned it, but, hey I can dream, right? ^__^!!!!
CharLatte at 6:19PM, Feb. 15, 2007
I is excited! :D!!!!!!!!!! HEEHEE! XD!!!!!!
Poodle_M at 3:00AM, Dec. 28, 2006
aw, awesome bunny evilness! heh, go bunny go! Nice comic so far, keep up the good work!
mega girl at 11:47AM, Oct. 17, 2006
Cute Bunny Pretty :3
waffle at 6:20PM, Oct. 3, 2006
pretty person!!! and that's a pretty neat pose. you drew it well too.
x_eko_x at 6:18PM, Oct. 1, 2006
Yay! Rabbits rule!
wyldflowa at 5:03PM, Oct. 1, 2006
A doggy boy and now a bunny boy~ can this comic contain any more awesome?
animegal12 at 3:47PM, Oct. 1, 2006
wowzers!! keep up the amazing work, it's beautiful. ^.^
kikia at 2:08PM, Oct. 1, 2006
awesome =) but scary and funny
manga_mace at 1:19PM, Oct. 1, 2006
ohh well done denji ^^ awesome page
Emma_Xross at 10:13AM, Oct. 1, 2006
Heh wow This is a really nice comic Kudos! ^_^ *faves*
wikivic at 9:38AM, Oct. 1, 2006
cool page - glad you're still updating ^^
Rubygem at 9:10AM, Oct. 1, 2006
Shippo_no_Neko at 9:02AM, Oct. 1, 2006
First posteh! I love this page! The pose, the close ups, the toning, it's all brilliant ^^