
Othosmops on Feb. 10, 2025

Panel 1:
BRUNO: Over the next few generations, the new inhabitants multiplied thanks to the favorable living conditions. A number of settlements were established along the entire coast. Ten tribes emerged, which were never united politically - under a king, for example - in the course of their history. This was to become very significant later on.   

Panel 2:
BRUNO:    There is a divergence of scientific opinion regarding the extent of the population growth; however, the most plausible assumption is that the development was dynamic, i.ein other words, that the population increased rapidly and there was a subsequent inability to sustain them. This would suggest a population of approximately 15,000 people on a triangular island 15 kilometres wide and 20 kilometres long.

Panel 3:
BRUNO: The island's natural resources were no longer sufficient to feed so many people. Especially as the Impacts of the Little ice age also set in on Rapa Nui with droughts and other ailments.
There were famines in the 13th and 14th centuries. We know this from the art that was created since that time.