
Othosmops on April 4, 2024

Panel 2 (russian):
GISELLE: Okay: Let's make it short. Sgt Pervert, today can be your lucky day. I will transfer 5 million rubles to your account if you let me zrough ‘ere wizout ‘arassmont. Do you ‘ave your smartphone ready so you can check and appreuve ze transaction?
BORIS: What? Wait a minute. How are you going to do that - ?
GISELLE: My android takes care of zet. Lennard: Are you missing any connection or account information?
LENNARD : No, I have it all. The transaction is going on. But I won't complete it until Sgt. Tsimmerman approves and you have passed the test.

Panel 3 (russian):
BORIS: I want 10 million rubles!
GISELLE: Mhm. ze clock is ticking. And your transfer amount ‘as just been reduced from 5 million rubles to 4,900,000 rubles.
BORIS: All right! 8 million!
GISELLE: 4,800,000 rubles.
BORIS: Let's talk about that again … okay, 5 million!
GISELLE: 4,700,000 rubles.