
Othosmops on May 20, 2024

Panel 1 (russian):
IVAN: In practice, this means that the two of them and their androids will be cruising around in the Mars rover for the next 45 minutes while you install yourself in your new quarters.
GISELLE: Ah. Okay.

Panel 2 (russian):
IVAN: Oh, and in case you're missing someone here -
GISELLE: Absolutely! Where's ze pilot of ze spaceship zet's going to take us to Mars?
IVAN: Well observed! He was invited to welcome you, but he preferred to do some in-depth studies on the technology of his Mars rocket.

Panel 3 (russian):
BRUNO:    He seems to me to be quite a loner who prefers not to socialize.

Panel 4 (russian):
GISELLE: And ‘o is ‘e? Do I know ‘im?
BRUNO: Vilis Brucs, a Latvian.
GISELLE:    Hm, zet doesn't ring a bell.
IVAN: Let's not waste any more time. Lennard, who has certainly gotten to know the geography of the station by now, can show you your establishment and, if you like, guide you around a bit.
We'll all - including you, Giselle - meet here at 1500 for our daily centrifuge training.