Countdown to reboot... 4

Toshubi on May 3, 2009

Here are three new characters you haven't met. I have plans to use all of these characters in the story, but I've no idea when that will happen. The story has taken a life of it's own.

Angel and Shadow are a couple of characters that I made after Kali's pet rabbits who died back in 2008.

The Lapin Republic is a-lot like South America. Deep within the Lapin Republic's jungels there are amozon tribes that have adapted among the apex predators and poison frogs. They have a unique language that is made of whistles called Silbo. (This is a REAL language by the way.) The whistles carry well in the thick tropical air, making it ideal for long range communication.

Shadow, (The black one.) is about as close to a ninja that the amazon's have. She uses a martial art called Capoeira. (This is a real fighting style.) It involves lots of spining kicks and has a dance like feel to it.

Angel, (The orange one.) is a leader of a battalion of Rabbit amazon warriors. (If it's one thing the rabbits CAN do, its reproduce!) Don't let her soft looks fool you, she can be very vicious when she wants to be.

Joseph is Jessica's biological father. Thirteen years ago, Joseph and Betsy were young and adventurous. And as young adults, they explored each other sexualy. Thus Jessica was brought into the world. Unfortunately, when Betsy informed Joseph that she was “late” he got scared and joined the Bovine Royal Navy leaving poor Betsy to raise Jessica alone and out of wedlock.