Operation BombRun 5
Camisicado on April 26, 2009
First of all, my sincere apologies for being so late with this page. I'm literally weeks away from my “End of Secondary School” Exams
and a such I've been hugely pushed for time. Still, I go on study leave next week so hopefully I'll be able to get back into the swing of things to help me relax after revising.
I'll do my best guys
Thanks for your continues support =D
Anyhow, apologies aside I'm pretty happy with this page. It signals the entry of a rather important character and also allowed me to experiment a tad with various effects and shading techniques. I'm a bit annoyed it's taken me about 3 pages just to get the Russian troops down from their helicopter, but they're on the battlefield now so the page should speed up from here =D
Kyuuketsuki at 7:02AM, June 8, 2009
Awesome page. 8 D
Camisicado at 3:55AM, May 3, 2009
@Ushio and croxtonhas: Thanks alot =D I'l going to get working on the new page right away =D
Ushio at 5:42PM, May 1, 2009
Can't think of much to say, just wanting to see more. ^^
croxtonhas at 5:24PM, April 30, 2009
Camisicado at 1:09PM, April 30, 2009
Ahh, facinating =D, Thanks alot. I must admit, I didn't come up with the phrase, I nicked it from Bruce Dickinson from Iron Maiden xD
Lemniskate at 11:31AM, April 29, 2009
Aha! So then it's "Кричайт ;е для меня!"
Camisicado at 2:05PM, April 28, 2009
@ Mushroomcomix: Indeed, just gotta do the best I can. Over summer I'll have loads of time to get back into doing Blue Steel everyday. @Jonko: Thanks alot, I wanted Colonel Tokarev's uniform to stand out from the EU troops, so i gave him the double-brested Soviet Style winter coat. @ghosrunner and hypermac: Thanks alot =D @Lemniskate: I'm sorry for the poor russian xD I wanted him to say "Scream for me!" so I just typed it in on google translate and attempted to copy the cyrilic down :/. Thanks for the heads up: In the summer I intend to begin learning Russian as a past time so once I'm more confident with it I might put a few interesting phrases in the comic at appropriate moments [as I attmepted to do on this page xD]. @PopenFresh: Exactly right! I've always planned for this Russian Army to be a continuation of the old Tsarist army, so White Alert is very appropriate =D As always: Thanks alot guys =D
popenfresh at 6:47AM, April 28, 2009
Ha, the hell march theme from red alert would be so appropriate here. For mother Russia! ...wait if they're the tsars men they should be called the white army, shouldn't they. So it's white alert. ^^
hypermac at 2:46AM, April 28, 2009
cool page.
Lemniskate at 11:32PM, April 27, 2009
Argh. Sorry for the many posts...
Lemniskate at 11:32PM, April 27, 2009
стреляй& #1090;е, I mean.
Lemniskate at 11:31PM, April 27, 2009
"To shout on me"? About the "на меня" part I don't know, that might be perfectly right, my Russian's not that good; but since I guess you wanted to say "shoot on my commando", it would be "стреляй ;те", in imperative mood.
ghostrunner at 9:44PM, April 27, 2009
excelent job
Jonko at 6:34PM, April 27, 2009
Still love how amazing the uniforms look in your comic! Good work on the new page, it was worth the wait!
Mushroomcomix at 1:38PM, April 27, 2009
I really like the third panel! I know how school can drain away time, I just had two finals and I have two more next week!