Boner and Punkin Origins Part III

StewWriter on Jan. 22, 2008

I think I've lost track of numbering these correctly. I have a problem with that. Sorry I'm so late on the uptake today, although I am a day early, I figured I'd squeeze in 3 comics this week as I plan to start afresh with a sweet new layout and design on February 1st. Also, I recolored this one and I likes it! So, since I am so behind, I have chosen the winner of the Zombie Kid/Delia relationship contest and you (whomever you are) shall be in the February 1'st comic and a signed piece of artwork will be PQ'd to you as well… gotta hold on a bit longer (he he). Anyway, after all that news and notes, why not check out what else I do on this vast prairie known as the net right here:
I know you'll like it!
See ya!