Ozoneocean on July 17, 2024

The Bahingas mystery deepens! Also, a not very bottomless waitress?


So my excuse THIS time for my late page is that my fellow Quackcaster and DD admin Tantz Aerine dragooned Banes and I into a new collab comic, Key of Dreams, which we all created together as part of the latest Drunk Duck anthology project, Flock of Dreams. It's a very sexy little horror comic based on Greek mythology. It's full of gods, demonic imagery, skulls, boobs, bums and pretty rainbow wings. I did some of my best art for it!
You can read it if you buy a copy of the anthology which supports the site, and read many other great comics in there as well, there's a big selection of Amazing work.
Just $25.
I'll set up the links and hosting, ads etc. soon but for now if you want a copy you can contact me directly and I'll organise the sale. It's a PDF.

My co-creator, the hilarious Banes -

He and I do the Quackcast together along with the lovely Tantz Aerine - 😚