Watching the Town

Chag4 on Oct. 18, 2008

I really like this drawing.
It looks a lot as if it's bright day, but if you look up at the sky you can see that it's actually a little late.
And with the water and the sky together, it looks really nice.
Even though the two girls might be the main thing in the picture, I really think that the background is very important.

Usually, @Poppy doesn't draw anything where the background has a big role. Often, it's even entirely white or plain. That is why I like this one, it's a lot different from the others.

Now that the weekend of my birthday is over, you really shouldn't get your hopes up about updating. Remember last week? Might turn out like that again. But don't worry, I'm not going to leave you for more then a few days. ^^

Stay put!

~ Chag4