The Doctor Goes To School

dr_dolittle on April 23, 2007

As all of my not-so-faithful readers know, my most recent plight is looking for a car. I know what I want, but all of them seem to have too many miles on them (really… is a Honda Civic so much so ask?). I know this guy named “Nathan.” Huge black guy (but that's beside the point). He's a considerable amount taller than me, just like the rest of the world.

He was sitting there one day making fun of me as I looked at Auto-Trader with a look of deep concentration on my face. An older man was standing nearby and asked if legroom and headroom was important to me. I looked up at him. Nathan thought it was pretty amusing. I just sighed and said, “I'm SHORT. I do not NEED legroom and headroom.” Then, Nathan suggested that I buy a clown-car. GENIUS. Cheap, small and probably runs on peddles like the Flinstone cars. SIGN ME UP.

And I'm hella good at drawing trees, if you can even tell that's what those are.

PS: The cars those are supposed to resemble (in order from left to right):

1. A Chevy Impala
2. My Clowncar
3. A Scion (is it just me, or do a ton of people in Kansas City have these?)
4. A Lincoln Towncar