The boss's evil filler art

FracturedFairytales on Nov. 7, 2006

Because Chris is too busy to get chapter 2 done in time, and because I finally have an upload schedule (one per week), I'm going to be uploading a joke stick-figure comic I've done for a couple weeks now called “From the Boss's Desk,” which is meant to showcase my painfully slowly-developing talents as an artist.

Also, for all you little l4m3rs in America who didn't vote, you guys are retarded. When you don't vote, you're not “striking a blow against the Man” or resisting a corrupt system, you're just becoming a useless NPC in a world full of NPCs. By voting, you make your opinions known, and have a chance of influencing an election, no matter how little. Voting is a good way to make sure people know you are an RPC, a real-player character, not some pointless filler NPC.

My parting words: Beware the Boss's filler art days, they are accompanied by the R4NT5 0F D347H