Do Something!

El Cid on Nov. 14, 2009

Some people you just shouldn't ask for help! I used a slightly different workflow for this strip than the previous one; I did the balloons twice, once in 300 dpi for the full size TIFF and once in 120 dpi for the screen resolution version. I think the speech balloons came out sharper doing it this way. Anyway, like I said, I'm still just poking around with comic strips, so if you've got any criticism or tips or anything, I'm all ears. Seriously, my body's covered in ears. I spend a fortune on Q-tips.

Also, I changed the rating to “Adult” because, after reviewing what the ratings mean, that seems most appropriate even though this doesn't meet my personal definition of “adult” content. Also, I could see down the road that some more “blue” material might find its way in so I guess it's the right label. It's a silly comic strip, but it still isn't intended for kids.