Episode 1: Dead Residents

Jayfri on June 23, 2009

We have come to last ending….
Ian Glover is charged for the death of the dead zombies, he is the only survival and there are lot of evidences againts him and the police do not wish to prolonged the case. Is Ian Glover gonna be quiet bout this, or will he face death sentenced… This is the last episode of Dead Residents, and stay tuned to next continuation of Chronicles of Ian Glover in Episode 2: Jailbreak

Jailbreak? so you assume Ian Glover gonna escaped sentenced?
Well in the next episode Ian Glover will really take his work seriously, and he will learnt something new about the vampires and myth. Last Episode, Ian Glover, potrayed a weakling and someone who worked without brains, now let see some wisdom gain in the next few episode….