200 - PART 1

SuperJelly on Nov. 26, 2018

well, it's finally here. i've been so busy lately, going through some major changes - i've given up a home, job, and relationship all at the same time and it's been a rough adjustment period. But things are looking up and i'm embracing this fresh start.

i wrote this comic when i was 14, literally half my age ago, and i convinced myself i would never ever actually post it because my writing would never be good enough, my art would never be good enough, etc. those thoughts still plague me to this day, but they're overcome by my newfound sense of FUCK IT WHO CARES along with the wonderful supportive people i've gained along the way. i don't care if my comic is enjoyed by just 1 person, or 1000. i'm sharing one of the deepest, long lasting pieces of myself and if anybody at all gets a little bit of entertainment out of it, i'm happy, and proud of myself.

so, here's page 200, in two uploads because it literally ended up waaaay too long to fit on one page! here's to many more!