Freedom Apache

darth_paul on March 13, 2024

The leader of the American Adventurers, the incredible “Freedom Apache!”

Inspirations for the character are: “Captain America” - for the “Man from a different time,” and being a “team leader with a patriotic theme;” “Vixen” - for the “magical talisman granting animal abilities;” and “Marshal Bravestarr” - for being a Native Amercian hero also with “similar spirit animal abilities” and also being a character who is set in the juxtaposition of “blending the past with the future” since “Bravestarr” was a show about the blending of the “Old West” with the future of an alien world. Also, “Freedom Apache's real name is ”Ulysses Sampson Whitestar, which shares the “star” portion of the naming with “Bravestarr” with similar meaning with the symbolism.