Fan Art Friday - ANT's Mourning

Neilsama on Aug. 20, 2009

Hey guys! We're going to be doing something new here. We've gotten a couple fan art pics sent to us, and we've decided to share them with the community. Now, obviously we're limited to the number of these we do by the number of people who send them in, and we'll be posting them at our own personal discretion, meaning that we have to keep these things work-safe and we'll be posting ones that we REALLY think go above and beyond. (Call it an incentive to do good work!) So this will NOT be a regular thing, but it will be something we showcase from time to time.

Also, we'll be keeping a regular archive of these on Comic Genesis, so if we need to take them out of the archive for any reason, there will be a place on our ComicGen mirror for all of these. (We'll also retroactively do the ones that we've already seen, such as the one from Bad Guy High.)

This first one comes to us from the author of Omega Justice. Clearly, this is just our chapter cover with a little Photoshop hackery, but we loved it! Thanks for the hearty laugh, Alan!

And of course, anyone looking for the official roster list of the cover can just go back to the original page and have a look-see.

Hey, hold the phone! I see an extra person on this cov…When did Donovan McNabb become a superhero?! According to Philly fans, he always has been.

Hey, why not? I mean, if William Perry can become a member of G.I. Joe, then anything's possible!