Winking at me.

dpat57 on July 18, 2024

Where we've got to: Space pirate Cap'n Gorgo has parked his gunboat in the spookily empty freightliner's airlock and tip-toed his way inside, not sure what he's going to find… but the hedgehog men, huge predators with a hunger for human flesh, found him! He was about to be consumed but a swift-moving figure grabbed him and took him to safety in a nearby part of the ship….

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Check out my other comics on The Duck:

Starship Captain III
You Call That A Stick Figure Comic?
Forest Reckoning
Sword Princess Yukisaki II
Secret Agent: British Intelligence II
Captain Gold and the Robotrons
Space Pirates of the Black Quarter!
Buns of Steel

My webcomics hub! (offsite)

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Dialogue and effects added using Paint.NET
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