Interesting hood ornament.

dpat57 on May 19, 2019

Mikey, Bork, Crowbar, Autopilot HN-8931, He Who Must Not–

Where we've got to: In the previous exciting episode, Crowbar, Bork and Autopilot HN-8931 were zipping through hyperspace in their flying saucer, being chased by a gigantic proto-matter being, hows and whys are yet unknown. In a desperate attempt to escape destruction they plunged into a rift despite knowing how dangerous this could be.
In the exciting episode before the previous exciting episode, inside the bowels of the vast alien ziggurat, Mikey had been carelessly tossed away by the evil alien monster who is now free of his aeons-old prison, and who intends to torture Mikey to death, because evil. The hyperspacial rift has opened inside the ziggurat! The flying saucer flies through… and Mikey splats across Bork's windscreen!

My other comics, desperately in need of readers, tell all your friends:

Secret Agent: British Intelligence II
Space Pirates of the Black Quarter!
Starship Captain II
Buns of Steel
Forest Reckoning
Sword Princess Yukisaki II
You Call That A Stick Figure Comic?

My webcomics hub! (offsite)

Characters and locations designed in SketchUp
Snapshots taken using Screenhunter 6
Dialogue and effects added using Paint.NET
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