Bonus the fifth - SPI 2009

shirtgoth on Feb. 6, 2009

Since the page for this week is still wet on the studio desk, and i cannot scan it tonight, I therefore cannot finish laying out the text tonight.
Alas, I know you are miserable with the delay. So am I, really.
All is not lost, for now that Thread of Valor has passed Round 1 of the Small Press Idol, I can show you what I presented to the judges in that round!
I already know several flaws with the image (shadow will be getting larger, changing shape, the pants get slimmed down a bit, and more rocks int eh foreground), which, if I stay with this concept, will most certainly be corrected. Nonetheless, the judges had faith that there is more and better to come - wondrous day!
Dearest readers, I know you are in despair - for how can I so divide my attention? Ah, yes, for a time, that is so - but this contest, you see, carries with it the hope of more studio time. If I can somehow begin to sell *some* of my pictures, I will be able to reduce my hours a the Stupid Job, and therefore - more studio time! Further, if I am not so tired from the Stupid Job, there is more energy to make better use of my own time. Thread of Valor could aid and support Tapestry! How cool is that!

Wish me luck - and please, join us for round 2! it's going to be so exciting!