It's offical physics is from Hell itself!!!

Akurribal on Feb. 27, 2008

Grrrr. sortry folks I've been blinbdsided over the past week with Uni stuff, a group project that had to be finished and presented during class on Tuesday. Also I have to finish this terms lab reports for Thursday and I have two tests on Friday, one is about errors and the other is about maths including advanced intigration and probability. I will get stuff up hopefully next week and have another page ready for the week after, which is my exam week!!!

I drew this over christmas with three more pages worth of panels, because I thought they were funny. For now they will act as a filler and as an apology for me not being prepared for the end of term rush (next week's study leave). Enjoy the image of Half Life 2 (awesome game) interrupting our story.