Episode 1 Page 1

P13volution on April 24, 2009

Its only the first page and I'm worried I've taken too many artistic liberties with the back-story. First of all “digital daemon” is just supposed to be a clever turn of phrase based on the nature of the word “daemon” which can mean either a demon or a computer program which I feel captures the essence of what Digimon are perfectly. Its not meant to replace the origin of the word “Digimon”, which is still a portmanteau of the words “Digital” and “Monster” in this universe like all others. Secondly I know “Axis Mundi” doesn't mean “World Strait”, that's just one of the bogus translations my comic will be littered with to tie mythology in to the Digimon universe. I guess technically you could have thrown an “AKA” in there somewhere…

I also want to say that planets and buildings are not my forte so don't go thinking that this is all I am capable of. As you can see I have yet to really master inking, but I'm hoping that will come in time.

That building in panel 4 is supposed to be the academy in case anyone couldn't tell.