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- Blaze's Yearly Christmas Tradition
- The Day After Thanksgiving 2024
- They're Back
- Happy Birthday Dilly
- It's That Time of Year Again
- Revenge Best Served
- A Long Day's Night
- Stu's Reunion - Pt 2
- No Politics
- Stu's Reunion
- Halloween 2024 - Dejavu
- Wrong Store Again Blaze
- Leave Me Alone
- Cold Wave
- Heatwave
- Goodbyes Are Never Easy
- Traffic Jam
- Sunday Frenzy
- What a Game!
- It's Just Another Day At The Beach
- The Pitfalls of a Sports Fan
- Just Another PSA
- Serves You Right Blaze
- Words of Not So Wisdom
- Another Gloomy Day
- Labor Day 2024
- Welcome Home Blaze
- Heading Home From Comic Con
- Handle With Sarcasm
- Blaze Has Been Found
- Oh no!
- The International Goof in Paris - Pt 2
- The International Goof in Paris
- Debacle At The Olympics
- One Of Those Moments
- Generations
- Could It Be?
- The Women Have Spoken
- Animal Corner
- Circle of Speculation
- 4th of July 2024
- The Search is Almost Over
- Just Ridiculous
- The Search for Blaze - Pt 12
- The Search for Blaze - Pt 11
- 600th Episode
- The Search for Blaze - Pt 10
- The Search for Blaze - Pt 9 (Update)
- The Search for Blaze - Pt 8 (Now it's getting real)
- The Search for Blaze - Pt 7
- The Search for Blaze - Pt 6
- Memorial Day 2024
- The Search for Blaze - Pt 5
- The Search for Blaze - Pt 4
- The Search for Blaze - Pt 3
- Missing Pt 2 - The Search for Blaze
- Missing
- New Years 2024
- Twas The Blaze Before Christmas
- The Clueless Fool
- Blaze, You Did It Again
- The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year
- Tis The Season To Be Surfing
- The Fog Bank
- Thanksgiving 2023
- Pathetic
- Not Again
- Jazz Man
- Mama Said....
- Humbled
- The Life and Times of Officer Blaze
- Halloween 2023
- Over The Edge
- Loss of Privileges
- Unscripted
- No Title
- It's Not a Lie
- What a Story
- Space Aces
- I Saw What I Saw
- Don't Mess With The Women
- Searching For Them Again
- A Reflection on Life
- Obviously
- Mid Life Uncertainty
- The Jobbers
- Blaze Has Gone Surfing
- The Lights Are On, But Blaze Isn't Home
- Labor Day 2023
- Blaze Can't Play Today
- Comic Strip Blaze
- The Forgotten DIckey
- Never P*** Off a Woman
- He's Back
- Can It Be?-Pt 3
- Can It Be?-Pt 2
- Can It Be?
- The Great Debate
- Play Time!
- Stu & Nicole's Weekend
- A Day At The Boardwalk
- Will The Real Blaze Please Stand Up
- It's Not Real
- No Not This
- Blaze Meet Blaze
- Scions and Reptiles
- Darth Done
- The Game Show
- Blaze Is Going Back In Time
- Father's Day 2023
- The Day Before Father's Day
- Blaze and HIs Tirade
- No Theme This Week
- Clueless Is Him
- Memorial Day 2023
- Party Favor
- Revenge Is Best Served By a Woman
- Oh Great
- The Accident
- The Happy Car
- A Gloomy Day At The Beach
- Just Another Wednesday
- Never Ending
- A Comic Oasis
- It's Playoff TIme!
- Just Another Day
- Blaze vs The Easter Bunny - Easter 2023
- Looking For Dilly
- Dilly's Fight
- Here's Mom!
- Blaze Where Are You?
- What Else Is New?
- End of The Night Blaze
- Late Night Blaze
- Dickey's Back
- Denise Snaps
- The Main Event
- Surfing Lessons
- The Blaze Aftermath
- The City Of Blaze
- The Blaze Zone
- The Day After Valentines Day
- Super Bowl 2023 - Pt 2
- Super Bowl 2023
- Let's Get Physical Blaze
- Talking To Blaze
- Conference Championship Sunday
- Blaze & The Comic Book Store
- A Clark Griswold Day At The Beach
- Animal Instinct
- Home At Last
- The Camping Trip - Pt 2
- The Camping Trip
- New Years 2023
- Christmas 2022
- Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
- An Odd Night At The Club
- Einstein
- A Day At The Game
- Tis' The Season For Blaze Follies
- Thanksgiving 2022
- Happy Birthday
- Carson City Road Trip
- The Great Football Feud
- The Fool Speaks
- Football Season 2022
- Uh....Ok?
- Here Comes Stupid
- A Santa Cruz Election Night
- The Day After Halloween
- Halloween 2022
- Blaze and Dickey Having Fun
- Another Santa Cruz Sunday
- Ooops!
- Brutal Honesty
- Wise Words From Dad
- Five Years of Dilly A Retrospect
- An Older Woman
- To Live and Let Live
- Not At Work Blaze
- Run To The Hills
- Welcome Home Boys
- Vegas Boys
- Dreams Can Come True
- Labor Day 2022
- Not a Happy Sarge
- El Poppo
- Don't Listen To Her Blaze
- Back From The Reunion
- That Moment When..........
- High School Reunion - Pt 3
- Seeing Is Believing Again
- High School Reunion - Pt 2
- Seeing Is Believing
- High School Reunion - Pt 1
- Reflection of Your Life
- Now We've Seen It All.......Again!
- Blaze Is Gonna Get It
- Blaze Is Getting Married
- We Will Never Mention This
- Burnt Out
- The Day After The 4th of July
- 4th of July 2022
- The Twilight Zone
- Everyone Loves Dickey
- The Big Question
- Father's Day 2022
- Another World
- The Death Valley Aftermath
- The Death Valley Prank
- Summer Time 2022
- What's In a Name?
- Memorial Day 2022
- Flashback
- Horror Fright Saturday Night
- The Illuminati
- The Radio Show Episode
- Blaze Can't Win
- Mother's Day 2022 (A day of Remembrance)
- A Night At The Beach
- The Odd Couple
- Issue 2
- Let's Go To The Comic Book Shop
- The Dukes Of Santa Cruz
- Intellects
- Blaze's Follies - Continued
- The Car Show
- When Things Go Right.....And Wrong
- Breaking News
- We All Have Problems
- The Re Encounter
- The Ladies Dickey
- Dickey Dingle & Blaze's Blind Date Fiasco
- Blaze's Blind Date - Pt 2
- Blaze's Blind Date
- Shut up Blaze
- The New Kid In Town
- It's Celebration Time!
- The Big Game - Super Bowl 2022
- In The News
- Don't Say It
- When You Have To Do It
- The NFC Championship Game
- Here We Go Again
- The Playoffs - The 400th Episode
- When Your Team Wins
- The Day After The Gig
- No Night at The Apollo
- The New Year and New Dilly
- Back In 2018
- Happy New Year 2022
- Christmas 2021
- Christmas Shenanigans
- The Holidays Are Rough
- Blaze and His Santa Self
- Tis The Season
- Annoyed Friends
- The Day After Thanksgiving 2021
- Happy Birthday Dilly!
- Thanksgiving 2021
- Is There Any Wisdom?
- Beach Bum
- The Mother & Son Duo
- Officer Blaze and The Foggy Incident
- In Passing
- Halloween 2021
- Oh Happy Day
- Goodbye Bianca
- You Forgot Me
- True Friends
- The Financial Genius
- A Battle of Wits
- Home Ward Bound
- Father and Son Night at The Disco
- Now We've Seen It All
- This Is Ridiculous
- Meet The Parents
- Back From The Air Races
- No, It Just Can't Be
- In Rememberance
- Scaredy Cat
- Labor Day 2021
- The Over Protective Mom
- Who Gave Blaze a Driver's License?
- The Red Head Effect - Pt 2
- The Red Head Effect
- They Don't Fit In
- He's No Stephen Hawking
- The Intellects
- Dilly Returns
- The Search For Dilly Has Concluded - Not Without Mishaps
- The Search For Dilly Has Begun.....Finally
- Rouge Dilly
- The Blind Leading The Blind
- The Middle of Nowhere - The 350th Episode
- Vicious Nicole
- Arizona & Dilly
- The Search Is On
- Nevada & Dilly
- 4th of July 2021
- Times Like These You Learn To Live Again
- People Aren't Strange......They're Just Jerks
- The Bianca & Blaze Story
- Sing Along With Dilly and Crew
- She Likes Who?!!
- Blaze and The Hot Air Balloon (Pt 2)
- Blaze and The Hot Air Balloon
- Officer Blaze Went Up The HIll
- Home Wrecker (Pt 2)
- Home Wrecker
- Race Day - Memorial Day Weekend 2021
- Blaze's New Car
- Here Comes Denise's Sister Pt 2
- The School of Hard Blaze
- Here Comes Denise's Sister
- The County Pest
- Attack of The 50 foot Mascot
- Cinco DeMayo 2021
- At The Disco
- Party Animal Blaze
- 2021 A Blaze Odyssey
- Hooray!! No Blaze!!
- Surf Shop Debacle
- Little Blaze In Slumberland
- We Are Here!
- The Gang Goes Into a Song
- Good Things Are Coming (Easter 2021)
- Writer's Block
- Girls Day Out
- The Day After St.Patrick's Day
- Computer Illiterate Blaze
- A Blaze of a St,Patrick's Day
- A Day At The Beach For Blaze
- De Ja Vu
- Back From Truckee
- The Dilly & Blaze Road Trip
- Dilly The Grumpy Old Man
- Internal Battles- Part 2 (Hey Blaze)
- Internal Battles- Part 1
- The Day After Valentines Day For Blaze
- Valentine's Day Hurts (Especially for Blaze)
- Jerked Around
- Superbowl 2021 (Wher's Blaze)?
- The Day After
- The 300th Episode.
- Nothing New (The Prelude to Episode 300)
- Blaze's Childhood Trauma
- The 14 Year Old Don Juan
- Blaze Crashes Dilly and Stu's Football Day.
- The Recurring Characters of Dilly
- Blaze's New Year's Resolution 2021
- Happy New Year 2021
- Merry Christmas 2020
- A Typical Day For Officer Blaze-2
- A Typical Day For Officer Blaze
- Oh Blaze
- Toke It on the Beach ( Playground Aftermath)
- Grammar School Cop
- Dilly's Birthday Party
- Never Take Blaze To The Movies
- Movie Anyone?
- Blaze Gets In a Fight
- Blaze and His Crew
- The Singing Blazes PSA
- Blaze Get's Transferred
- Halloween 2020
- The Double Standard
- Skate on Blaze!
- The Founder of Information
- The Band Of Dillys
- But Mom!
- Dilly's Homecoming
- Dilly's Reunion (Part 4) Blaze Gets Bounced
- Dilly's Reunion (Part 3)
- Dilly's Reunion (Part 2)
- Dilly's Reunion
- To Grandmother's House Blaze Goes
- Blaze The Clueless
- Stories of The Rock At The Beach (Narrated By The Rock At The Beach)
- The Little Drummer Boy
- The Painting
- The Labor Day Episode
- Dilly's Home
- Where's Dilly?-Part 3
- Where's Dilly?-Part 2
- Where's Dilly?
- Rainy Days & Mondays ( Doesn't Always Get Everybody Down )
- Dilly Can't Win For Nothing
- Peace and Quiet, or Not
- Walking Tall & Falling Down
- Successfully Unsuccessful
- Phelan Returns With Some News
- A lasting Impression
- Blaze Finds His Son ( Or So He Thought )
- The Crossroads of Life
- Blaze Gets The Shocking News (250th Episode)
- Sound Asleep
- It's a Cruel World Blaze
- WTH Dilly & Stu!
- 4th of July 2020 (The 4th of July episode)
- Escape From Officer Blaze
- Paulette Does a Demeaning Deed
- Dilly's Dad Visits - Part 2
- Dilly's Dad Visits - The Father's Day Episode
- What's Wrong Dilly?- Part 2
- What's Wrong Dilly?
- She's Gotta a Mean Streak
- Disaster at The Beach
- What Happens at The Surf Shop, Stays at The Surf Shop,
- What The Hell Blaze
- Who Is Paulette?
- Memorial Day 2020 (The Memorial Day Episode)
- Getting To Know Officer Blaze (Through The Eyes of Others) - Part 2
- Getting To Know Officer Blaze (Through The Eyes of Others)
- The Girls Watch Their Favorite Soap Opera
- Blaze & Paulette Go on a Date
- DIlly and Denise Stumble Onto a Secret
- Does Blaze Know What Day It Is?
- The Shocking News
- What's Eating Officer Blaze?
- A Lump on a Rock
- Officer Blaze Meets His Dream Girl
- WTF Blaze?!! (Part-2)
- Easter at The Beach
- WTF Blaze?!!
- Officer Blaze Goes To The Zoo
- The World According To Dilly & Stu
- The Invisible Blaze
- Blaze's Idol
- No Escape For Blaze
- Blazed Out Of His Pants
- Lost & Found
- If Blaze Only Had a Brain
- Oh No, It's Blaze"s Mom!
- The Supermarket Experiment
- Concert Time
- King of The Idiots
- Hero of The Stupid
- Allergic To Blaze
- Valentines Day Done Their Way (Valentines Day Episode)
- Blaze's Nightmare
- Dilly Comes To Blaze's Rescue - Part 2 (And Wonders Why)
- Dilly Comes To Blaze's Rescue - Part 1
- The Big Game
- After The Show at The Bar
- The Officer Blaze Follies (200th Episode)
- Payback Time
- Championship Sunday
- Can Dilly Come Out and Play?
- Dilly Gets His Answer From Beyond
- Karaoke Night - Blaze and His Singing Partner
- Dilly Has a Meltdown
- Dilly Faces Adversity
- Blaze Can't Win
- What In The Blaze?
- New Years Part 3 - New Years Day
- New Years Part 2 - Blaze Ruins The Party
- New Years Part 1 - Denise & Nicole Shop & Talk
- Christmas Part 5 - Merry Christmas
- Christmas Part 4 - The Clown's Epiphany
- Christmas Part 3 - A Blaze Christmas
- Christmas Part 2 - Why Do We Have To Cut a Tree?
- Christmas Part 1 - Never Argue With a Woman
- Blaze Didn't Take The News Well ( Or Did He?)
- A Public Service Announcement
- Don't Mess With a Clown
- Mother, I Don't Wanna Go To Work Today
- Nicole & Stu Makeup
- Escape To The Beach
- Mele At Thanksgiving (A Dysfunctional Day of Thanks)
- Time For Comic Con Blaze
- Dilly Invites Officer Blaze
- Denise Plans For Thanksgiving (Dilly plans revenge on Nicole)
- Santa Blaze Helps Dilly
- Blaze, The Ladies Man
- Never Mock a Clown
- Home From The Desert
- The Twilight Zone Road Trip
- Dream Another Dream, This Dream Is Over. (Stu feels his pain)
- A Rough Day (especially for Officer Blaze)
- Stu Rides Again!
- Blaze and The Giant Jack O' Lantern (Halloween Episode)
- Dilly Speaks His Mind
- Nicole Breaks It Off Part 2 - Narrated by Officer Blaze
- Nicole Breaks It Off
- Dilly The Poor Sport
- Escape To The Bar
- Blaze Refs In The NFL
- Spiritual Blaze
- Oops Blaze Did It Again
- Knock Knock
- Blaze Loses By a Bunch
- Dilly The Scape Goat
- Truth or Dare ( WIth Fringe Benefits)
- The Great Deblaze
- Blaze In 2020
- Bad Day At Work
- In The Dog House
- Boys Week In Baja
- Bongs, Bribes, & Blaze
- Caught In a Lie
- Girls Night Out
- A Day Of Remembering "The 9/11 Episode"
- Opening Day For Football
- Girl Talk
- Blaze The International Joke
- Double Date
- Shenanigans & Blaze
- First Date (Not Blaze Again)
- Two Conversations Are Better Than One
- New Girl In Town (Pt 3)
- New Girl In Town (Pt 2)
- New Girl In Town
- Has It Been That Long Dilly?
- Two and a Half Guys
- Misguided Blaze
- Dancin' Blaze Are Here Again
- Mistaken Identity
- Dilly & Denise Are In Love
- Blaze Visits The Beach
- Bad Luck Blaze Rides Again
- Talking Monty Python
- Officer Blaze and His D&D Boycott
- Officer Blaze & Stu Have an Intelligent Conversation
- Dilly Watches TV With The Dillys
- Dilly Lands a New Job (A Graphic Designer)
- Dilly's Neighbor Passes Away
- Officer Blaze vs a Stop Sign
- Down At The Comic Book Store
- Dilly Drives a Stereo
- Blaze Takes a Bath
- The Morning After 4th of July
- Happy 4th of July (except for Officer Blaze)
- Blaze's Unwelcoming Home
- Where's Blaze & Phelan ( Final Episode w/Phelan)
- Good Bye Phelan
- Denise The Heroine
- Denise's Past Has Returned
- Dilly Blue
- Circus TIme! Part II (The Father's Day Episode)
- Circus TIme!
- Dilly, Blaze, & An Uneventful Conversation
- Dilly Feels Better, Blaze & Phelan Sibling Rivalry
- Dilly Struggles With It All
- The First Encounter of Phelan & Denise
- Dilly Dilly Dilly! (The 100th Episode)
- The Wrath of Phelan
- Stu Gets an Unpleasant Surprise
- Dilly & Stu Honor The Fallen (The Special Memorial Day Episode)
- Who Saw This Coming?
- Dilly & Stu Hangin'
- Dilly Meets a French Beauty (Denise Isn't Happy About It)
- Blaze Meets His Match
- Here Comes Phelan
- Mother's Day
- Dilly Has a Melt down
- Dilly Makes His Point
- Blaze Is In Hot Water
- Dilly's Delinquent Tax Refund
- Dilly Tells Stu His Lifetime Goal
- Dilly Quits His Job
- Officer Blaze vs The Dog
- Grease Monkey Stu
- Easter at The Boardwalk
- Blaze The Mooch
- Dilly's Takes a Stand
- Dilly's Nightmare
- Dilly & Stu Stop The Madness
- Denise is Traumatized
- Blaze & The Doo Wop Hangover
- The Blazey Four
- Why Is Stu Wearing Sunglasses In The Rain?
- The Laughing Blaze
- Stu Gives Dilly A Wake Up Call
- One Beer & A Blaze Please
- Denise, Stu, & Blaze, Where's Dilly?
- Reflection of The Present
- Dilly Hates His Boss
- Dilly Gets a New Job
- Do They Know It's St.Patrick's Day?
- The Dilly & Denise Encounter
- Physical Blaze
- The Effects of Daylight Savings Time
- Dilly is Depressed
- Blaze Getting Ready for The Big Gig
- Karaoke Blaze (60th Episode)
- Tax Man Cometh For Blaze
- Stu's New Ride
- Cars, Waves, & Blaze
- The Voice of Reason
- Television Time For Blaze
- Blaze on The Rocks
- Heartbroken Dilly
- The Super Bowl (Special Edition Episode)
- Clubbing It Dilly, Stu, & Blaze Style
- The Boardwalk Talk
- Blaze's Groupies
- Home Sweet Home
- Bad News Blaze
- Blaze Foils a Museum Heist
- Reno (Pt 3)
- Reno (Pt 2)
- Blaze Doesn't Tell Denise
- Reno (Pt 1)
- And They're Off!
- Dilly & The Post Breakup ( Pt 2)
- Dilly & The Post Breakup
- The Breakup
- New Years Eve
- Denise and The New Years Booze Run
- Denise Drops The Suggestion
- Dilly Gets Laid off From His Job
- Dilly Loves His Football Team
- Denise Visits Santa at The Mall (and Surprise)!
- Time for Dungeons & Dragons (Guess The Dungeon Master)
- Dilly's Monologue As Told By Denise
- Thanksgiving Pt 2
- Thanksgiving Pt 1
- Dilly Is Ready For Football
- Officer Blaze Interrogates a Dog
- Dilly The Comic Book Guru (Denise is not impressed)
- Hallows Eve
- Dilly Learns Something From PBS
- Stu Is All Alone
- Dilly & Denise's Date Is a Blaze
- Officer Blaze Has a Hallucination
- Denise Is Upset With Dilly
- Blaze Isn't Good With Names
- Denise Doesn't Respect Officer Blaze
- A Fire Hydrant Is Blaze's Best Friend
- Dilly Goes Apartment Hunting Online
- Dilly The Drummer
- Blaze Gets Chewed Out By His Superior
- Blaze Blazes on The Job
- Dilly's 67' El Camino
- Officer Blaze Gets Buried In The Sand
- Stu & Blaze At The Comic Book Store
- Dilly Gets a Bombshell Drop
- Blaze Gets Disrespected
- Here's Officer Blaze
- The Paranoia of Officer Blaze
- The Wisdom Of Officer Blaze
- High Tide At The Beach
- Officer Blaze Can Read
- Denise makes an advance on Dilly
High Tide At The Beach
on Sept. 11, 2018
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