Desperate Times: Page 12
BSP_Curt on Nov. 11, 2010
After an all too long hiatus team Divis is back. Unfortunately, I only have enough money to do a page a month for a while. I hope the slow pace doesn't turn some of you off.
Anyway, here's the new page. It looks like Asaraten's “date” didn't go very well.
Legend Comics at 12:25PM, March 25, 2011
How did this fall off my radar? Sorry to see it's behind schedule but I'll be around for the next update... whether this month or next year.
Goneanew at 3:04PM, Dec. 19, 2010
Nice page : )
DAJB at 3:45AM, Nov. 30, 2010
D'oh! Why can't they all just get along?!
seanb47 at 1:09AM, Nov. 15, 2010
Good thing I checked this out randomly for updates since DD isn't giving me my updates any longer.Glad to have you back.