#6 - "Cupid gets what he deserves."

strongbad_999 on Feb. 13, 2006

Well…In case you couldn't figure out, I don't like Valentine's day. It's just a holiday that was made up so that people would feel obligated to spend money on others. I like to call it Campaign Marketing Day…but hey. That's just me.

Since I hate Valentine's Day…I also hate it's spokesman: Cupid…

…@$*%ing little fairy thingy. All…runnin' around shooting people in the arse with heart shaped arrows. Making people feel bad about themselves and such…little bugger.

I whipped this comic up in another speedy fashion yesterday in preparation for today. (I'm getting pretty quick with ‘em from start to finish.)

I hope ya’ll like this one, Peace,

PS: Calvin and Swanchez…show EVERYONE!

PPS: I didn't get ANY bloody time on the recently updated list (I like to complain *thumbs up*)