Shards of Creation #14

videowizard2007 on Feb. 9, 2007

Finally, here it is! Shards of Creation #14! Joshua decides that it's time to get stronger, so he can take out those Goblins. However, the Slimes hear him, and want to put a stop to his journey.

If anyone is interested in making an RPG based on Shards of Creation, or any of the other comics that I make, let me know at videowizard2002 at yahoo dot com. I might even be able to give you a cameo!

I sort of want a remake every 5-6 (MAX 7) years after each of my games and the comics made from them, so these are the ones reaching that time frame. The dates given are 5-7 years after the original release.

Dragon Kingdoms: Birth of a Legend - January 2004 to January 2006 (in progress)
Legend of the Great Sword - July 2004 to July 2006 (greatly needed! It is 7 months late)
Cycle of Fate - February 2005 to February 2007 (needed! The 7-year period expires at the end of this month- High priority)
Trouble with the Elements - October 2006 to October 2008 (safe for another 18 months, though it has moderate priority)
Shards of Creation - December 2009 to December 2011 (that doesn't mean I'll turn it down, simply that it's low priority at this time)

The remakes cannot use illegal software, which means RPG Maker 2000 and 2003 are out of the question. (Besides that, two of the original titles were already made as such)
There's still plenty of programs left, such as RPG Maker XP (no, it is not illegal, check, Sphere, ika, Game Maker, and others.

That's about it! Oh, and I will be checking for quality from time to time.