Best Parody/Tribute presented by bravo1102

Niccea on Oct. 2, 2023

Congratulations to Albion

Here is your trophy:

This presentation was made by bravo1102

Critics’ Acclaim

It has no Canon characters to worry about so can tell the story of the rest of the fleet that you never see. It's an admirable effort and I think it really shines

The sheer variety of species, the style, the whole big scope of space exploration is very much in the style of Star Trek

Niccea Note: Welcome to the main event of the 2023 Drunk Duck Awards. Thank you to all the volunteers that made this year possible. This event is nothing without the participation of the community, so if you come up with a quick extra to shows behind the scenes antics or an acceptance/concession speech, please send it my way, and I will get it added into the comic for the world to see.