Winter Berries

TheFuture on July 27, 2010

A spontaneous piece. I may be a terrible artist, but I'm not that bad at landscapes, no? :D …no. :(

My brother messed around with my camera and broke it (again), so I scanned this at the closing-down printer/ scanner/ copier place for 10 cents. :/ It was better quality until I figured out that the strange error message DD was giving me was because it was 2.3mb, not 2 or below. I'm not a good compressor, so I quickly used MS Picture Manager, which of course shrunk it waaay more than I wanted it to and brought it all the way down to 164KB. -.- of course. -.-

Anyways, I kinda maybe sorta possibly will be wifi-less for three weeks, so don't kill me cuz I said I'd start up with the uploading thing again, and was actually doing a great job of it for a couple days. Aight? :D …yeah, I'm dead. xP