31: Still Breathing
Ironscarf on March 12, 2024
The morning after and as David guides Amy around the main sites of interest from the night before, his assumptions about vampires start to unravel like a lock of Lydia's frolicsome mane. How are we supposed to identity these critters if they keep inviting themselves in, eating pizza and admiring themselves in mirrors?
skyangel at 2:56AM, March 21, 2024
I love that line 'Damn, I thought she was over that!' in response to the staking attempt. It's great to know that Lydia has her own deeper problems beneath that very easy going exterior and as always it's great to see these old 'rules' about mirrors, crosses etc being brushed aside which suggests something more real and powerful is going on. And I'm all caught up again but it's always a joy to find a new page or two when I look in!
Ironscarf at 5:49AM, March 21, 2024
Thanks! Lydia is going through a difficult patch and has come to Elmwych as a new start of sorts, or the latest new start! I spend quite a while developing an alternative vampire lore, so it's frustrating to find my principal vampire flatly refuses to explain it all. I'll attempt to build in the details as we go along, hopefully without boring everyone to an early grave!
jerrie at 2:21PM, March 12, 2024
Lydia must be protected at ALL costs! (I have a crush on her)
Ironscarf at 4:32PM, March 12, 2024
A risky crush it must be said, but lets hope she continues to be a risk with a little help from her friends!
artdude2002 at 9:26AM, March 12, 2024
I really love the artwork in your comic. I'm assuming it's digital. Are you using a graphics tablet or a Cintiq?
Ironscarf at 10:07AM, March 12, 2024
Thanks, that's really appreciated and you're right, I switched to digital years ago. I still do a lot of the layouts on paper, but then it's all scanned into Clip Studio to finish drawing and all inks/colours are done with a tablet. I'm using a Huion Kamvas Pro 16 into an old Acer desktop. Lettering and balloons are all done using Inkscape, because it does most of what I would need from Illustrator, but without the price tag!
Banes at 8:24AM, March 12, 2024
The mystery of Lydia deepens and deepens. Poor Lydia!
Ironscarf at 9:36AM, March 12, 2024
Our ease of feeling sympathy for a character who murders without a second thought must say something about the human condition! This is the most complicated thing I've attempted, with lots of backstory to reveal. I hope I can make it easy to follow. We'll see!
dpat57 at 8:21AM, March 12, 2024
She may be a murdering monster, but she's OUR murdering monster. Either that or she IS the Kwisatz Haderach. Or something prophecy-related that Amy knows about. Lovely work as always... details, angles, coloring, squirrel, it all comes together.
Ironscarf at 9:25AM, March 12, 2024
Thanks! I've read a lot of comics over the years and thought to myself 'where's all the wildlife?' so I throw in a squirrel when the time seems right! And without giving too much away, there will be prophecy related action before this arc is through.
plymayer at 8:10AM, March 12, 2024
She gets too hungry for dinner at eight, She likes the theatre and never comes late, She never bothers with people she'd hate, That's why the lady is a vamp. - Sinatra with the last word slightly altered.
Ironscarf at 9:08AM, March 12, 2024
Loves Transylvania, it's cold and it's damp! Thanks for coming up with this, my Dad was a huge Sinatra fan so I can't help but love the idea. The line about being too hungry for dinner at eight fits perfectly! I'll have to learn it on guitar.
PaulEberhardt at 8:08AM, March 12, 2024
She makes it sound like there is quite a lot at stake on several levels.
Ironscarf at 8:32AM, March 12, 2024
I see what you did there! A sound observation too. I'm trying to avoid too much exposition, but it's a tricky balance when there are several threads to weave together.
Othosmops at 7:10AM, March 12, 2024
Oh David, don't you realize that Amy is downright famishing you information-wise?
Ironscarf at 7:21AM, March 12, 2024
It's possible there may be one or two minor things she hasn't been fully transparent about!
bravo1102 at 6:40AM, March 12, 2024
That cemetery is really windy. Or does her hair have a magical thing going too?
Ironscarf at 6:52AM, March 12, 2024
She just has the standard ginger tresses. When I chose the setting it was a balmy summer's day in the cemetery, but it was blowing up a storm when I took the reference photos so that has worked it's way into the drawing!