Et Spiritus Divino 22

EtSpiritusDivino on July 10, 2018

Aiden just wanted to chill and read books. he wanted his contribution to his post apocalyptic tribe to be that of growth, advancement and technology.. Who the hell as time for that when you're just trying to survive! As punishment for his sneaking away to leisurely read in the abandoned library he along with his other tribes-mates were ordered to night patrol duties. After a suspicious glow of fire in the distance with the faint sounds of yelling Aiden along with his senior tribes-mate Salha investigate, after getting separated with a run in with creatures known as “Skivvies” Aiden presses forward to make sure the screams were not from his own tribes people lost in the wood. There he finds two men struggling among a hoard of night creatures and the possessed deciding against orders to help the strangers out.. a decision that leads him down a dark nightmare filled rabbit hole…