xailenrath on Feb. 4, 2022

The crew begin to realize just how bad things are, and are starting to snap at one another.

To clarify, Zildrohar fancies herself a hardcore soldier, though her people, The Thribians of Kargus 5, are not a warrior culture. They manufacture farming equipment and such. She simply watches too much Earth-broadcast television.

Vebs (of planet Veb 6) don’t particularly find humanoids to be very attractive. Vebs aren’t mammalian, thus have no use for boobs, or bushy heads of hair on females. (Veb women go bald as norm style.)
They are, for lack of my knowledge of the correct term, “naga-ish”(??). Thus, those “leg” things don’t really do it for them, either, and generally most humanoid races have only one set of eyes, (the poor creatures.) Combine that with their general lack of horns, and humanoids are, well, “nice people”, but, for the most part, butt-ugly in the eyes of a Veb.

While Zil’s taste in mates is pretty broad, she sees M’Rod pretty-much the same way he sees her. A friend, but a seriously unattractive friend.
… but they DO argue a lot.