Explosion Proof 3 - Page 4

mattchee on Jan. 19, 2010

SO, here's the page where you might be calling “BS!” Not cause of the car jump… that's standard action flick fare… buuuut there's a matter of the cruise control button in the Chevy. I know. I knew going in, but what the hell? Right? My other options (and believe me, I thought about them) were either having EP make-shift a cruise control (IE - wedge something against the gas pedal), which would have probably taken a page to properly display (and throw the pacing way off) OR fill the page up with some boring expository dialog explaining that the car had been modified etc etc etc….

Suspension of disbelief.

There's a scene in Die Hard 3 (aka “Die Hard with a Vengeance”) where McClane has to give Zeus step by step instructions on how to pull out a fuse to deactivate the Anti-Lock Brakes so that he can do one of those nifty FBI car spin arounds. Sure, from a technical stand point, it explains how they are able to do that… but this a move where, later on, they jump from a bridge to a boat and just keep going… Yippie ki yay!

The moral of the story is: no biggie! Hope you enjoy the page, its one of my favorites of the story.

Anyhow, its that time of year for me (well, one of those times) where I'm up to my elbows getting books ready for cons… more on that next week, but I'm wrapping that up, and hoping to get started on some new comics in time to keep the flow going once this story ends. No promises, but lots of hope.

Thanks for all the comments, I appreciate them all. See you next week!
