Chapter 22 page 02

mlai on Jan. 16, 2019

posted by edbang

art by edbang, story by mlai, justnopoint and edbang

This page went through some major changes. I thumbed talking heads, followed by a scenic view. Mlai suggested the downshot on panel 3 and a half body for Nuada on panel 4. Since I'm also the letterer, I adlibbed Wrong-o… just because I like it when Cat acts like a kid, and the font for the title was inspired by grafitti.

Originally this was page 10 of the previous chapter, but we broke it up since there was a big difference in feel of the story. We're back on track to the main story.

The dialogue is awesome because no matter how much Cat is messing with Nuada, his logic sense just is too rigid.

drawn on a yoga book (windows) using clip paint studio pro.