Vol. 2, Chapter 1 : Escape, page 6

Biev on May 19, 2009

Pomegranate grenades! Thought I'd try gravure for a change. I carved this page into linoleum (which I use to print designs on shirts - anyone need a shirt?) Hopefully, it doesn't make this page too confusing. Don't worry, it was a one time experiment. I like how it looks, but I like having an understandable story more.


Well, it will make sense at some point.

It's been a year now since I stopped updating regularly. I need to thank you guys again for being so patient with me. It's been a tough year, for sure. Started out with a divorce, changing countries, having to find work, then juggling that with a bit of studies, some semblance of a social life and just general survival matters. Right now I'm out of a job for the summer, I'm sleeping under someone's stairs, I have no art supplies and my tablet and scanner died. But I'm doing what I can. I reworked the script for this chapter entirely, and now that I clearly know where I'm headed (and now that I have an internet access again), I should be able to get a lot more done.

Stick around! I'm hoping to update again next Monday (May 25). And since I don't have a working scanner, next page will probably be painted over various body parts, and then photographed and pieced back together. Look forward to it!

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