#1 [6/23/06] Unreasonable
Dan on June 22, 2006
Hello, and welcome to the First Fantasy; a sprite comic with an organized plot. I promise you that there will be no plot holes at all and official game characters won't act like total retards… and humor. Lots and lots of humor.
A banner will be up when the time comes. And this won't be the only comic I'll be making. I'm still planning my drawn one.
Anyways, enjoy.
Note: The ghost with yellow eyes is Ben. But he is NOT the main character, nor is Tails.
Edit: And yes, I realize that there should've been a space between “never wanted” in panel 8. I'll try to change it when I get hang of the “controls” of this thing.
mishi_hime at 7:11PM, Sept. 16, 2006
omg tacos. lol. i made some today.lol. this has nice detail.(i'm glad for any sprite comic that doesnt burn my eyes.) I like the comic bubbles they are different.
Dan at 5:47PM, Sept. 10, 2006
[quote]I also like how you shaded Tail's face in teh first frame.[/quote] What...?
The mediocre one at 3:54PM, Sept. 10, 2006
you have a great attention to details here, I also like how you shaded Tail's face in teh first frame.
Kagomas at 2:25PM, Sept. 4, 2006
Wow, looking nice so far!
Radec at 6:22PM, July 26, 2006
well, while it IS another sprite comic... I have to admit this one at least is interesting.
tabletop at 1:02PM, June 29, 2006
LOL I like!
elenawing at 3:26AM, June 25, 2006
like the background! I also like the detail of you making the van transparent so you could see the chracters. Nicely done *claps*
Cez at 5:57PM, June 23, 2006
Gimme some of dem drugs, yo !